sabato 24 gennaio 2015


En America los diarios no publican comics para temor de represalias. En Europa se matan a los periodistas y, es de hoy la noticia, se cierra el festival del Cine de Tournai para las amenazas contra la pelicula Timbuktu. En Australia los portavoces de los manifestantes anti-Charlie dicen que (sigue en ingles):

Muslims had a duty to respond to the magazine. "It is unacceptable for a Muslim to remain silent in the face of the attacks on our beloved prophet," he said.One speaker at the rally, Sufyan Badar, took aim at what he called the arrogant West."They force their world view onto us: 'We are the arrogant West and you Muslims have to accept our world view, you have to accept our freedoms ... to insult your prophet'," he told the crowd.He dismissed the defence of freedom of speech. "We rejected freedom yesterday, we rejected freedom today and we reject your freedom tomorrow."

Y a pesar de la emoción para los asesinados, se hacen muchas distinciones: la libertad esta bien, pero…Demasiados “pero”. 

Me parece que tenemos un problema.

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